Learn About the Burn: Prescribed Fire at the Cypress Dome Trail

The CREW Cypress Dome Trails are getting a Crew cut, like a Buzz cut, with a little left on top. Barbershop metaphors aside, the prescribed burn team uses know-how in the field that inspires confidence, which is exactly what you want when it comes to fire in the forest. 

Fire lines are dropped on both sides so fire meets fire in the middle and extinguishes itself. So cool, but not literally.

South Florida Water Management District (SFWMD) started this most recent round of shredding and prescribed burns at the Cypress Dome Trails, just as summer temperatures start to rise. Their aim is to mimic historic fire conditions and emphasize growing or lightning season burns (April – August). Though weather conditions and smoke sensitive areas make the timing difficult, the burn crew always use sound judgement and experience on the day of the burn. 

Geo-cashers may need to check on this one.

The majority of natural plant communities rely on frequent fires to maintain their vegetative characteristics and biodiversity. Pine cones and Rain Lilies sprout new life and ground dwelling animals, like the gopher tortoise return to these areas in abundance after a fire. Wildfires no longer occur with historical frequency or extent and this has altered natural wildlife and plant community structure and function. 

Prescribed fire are important for wildlife and plants because: 

  • reduces the amount of vegetation
  • opens up space for the native plants to grow and the wildlife to hunt their prey
  • adds nutrients to the soil
  • prevents wildfires
Decked with the right gear from boots to helmet, Tiffany and all the burn staff keep a clear line of communication open, even while posing for photos.

All Land Stewardship field staff, which we affectionately call the burn crew, have completed the state certified burn course to ensure fire safety and burning efficiency. If you would like to learn more about the CREW management plan you can read about it here:


5 Replies to “Learn About the Burn: Prescribed Fire at the Cypress Dome Trail”

  1. Do you have a map of where the burn was? We have almost 50 Geocaches in there and have probably lost a lot of them! (See photo).

    1. We post the burn information including the maps on the morning of the burn. I emailed you a copy of the three maps from recent burns at Cypress Dome Trail. Thank you for reaching out!

      1. I believe that the “Ammo Can” shown in the above photo was my Geocache! I have replaced it. Do you know what happened to any of these containers? They are usually still usable and cost about $15 to replace.

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